
This question type requires you to match the heading in the question to the correct paragraph or reading section in the text. There will always be more headings than paragraphs or sections so that some headings will not be used.

It is also possible that some of the text may not be included in the task. This task type is used with texts that contain paragraphs that have clearly defined themes. It tests your ability to recognise the main idea in the paragraph and to identify supporting ideas.

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This question type requires you to match the heading in the question to the correct paragraph or reading section in the text. There will always be more headings than paragraphs or sections so that some headings will not be used.

It is also possible that some of the text may not be included in the task. This task type is used with texts that contain paragraphs that have clearly defined themes. It tests your ability to recognise the main idea in the paragraph and to identify supporting ideas.